About Me

I have lived in the Seattle area for all of my life. And I absolutely love it here.

I started my studies at Western Washington University with an emphasis on mathematics. I realized that math wasn't for me at the beginning of my sophomore year so I looked around for something else that was more exciting for me.

On a whim, I took an entry level computer science class and fell in love with coding. Since then, I have had a passion for solving problems using technology.


Expedia Group

My first job as a software developer was at Expedia Inc (now Expedia Group) starting in 2016.

I worked on the Expedia Search and Suggest team, which is responsible for providing typeahead suggestions. Providing a reliable and performant typeahead API was required in order to handle almost a billion requests weekly.

A lot of the work was focused on improving the relevancy of our suggestions by taking a number of factors into consideration. During my time there, I contributed large projects such as:

  • Recent History
  • Migrate data from in-memory to Elasticsearch
  • Analytics rework


I joined Microsoft on April 20, 2020.

I currently work on the Sovereign Engineering team and work on enabling Azure developers to access data easier through a new project I'm working on called CNQ.

Redmond Treasure Hunt

There's some encrypted data embedded on this page that you can attempt to decrypt by entering your answer below. Successful decryption will give you the next clue. The clues are largely Redmond based with the initial intention of this hunt to be in real life. But, for now, most can be completed from the comfort of home. Enjoy!

The first answer is a three digit number. This will start you on your journey.

The first person to complete the hunt will get $500.


Public Treasure Hunt

The first answer is a one digit number. This will start you on your journey.

The first person to complete the hunt will get $500.
